Sistema para alquiler de trajes, vestidos y accesorios (alquiler/renta/venta), agenda, inventario, prendas, comprobantes, reportes, ticket/nota/factura, actualizaciones mensuales gratis, reciba pagos en linea, tarjetas de credito, tiendas de conveniencia, entrega inmediata, demo, prueba gratis, SlySoftware 33-3109-4414 , Internacional (52)-33-3109-4414, WhatsApp (521)-331-341-4060
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Complete professional solution.
Rentals, eCommerce Retail POS Solution.
Suit, dress, accessories, services and goods. Selling/rentals system    
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Start using the system

Start today to receive the benefits of having your business available, organized, under control, loss-free, promoting your merchandise for rental 24x7.

How to start
Request the on screen demo to answer your questions.
Create your own store right now, filling the form below, its free
Pick the license you most like, the more convenient for you, normally it is standard or pro.
Capture or send us your inventory listing, we upload it for you.
You can start right now, with our without inventory.
Start to get the multiple benefits today.
Immediate customer care, with humans, via WhatsApp

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Create store
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Si no tiene dominio o requiere asesoria indique "pendiente"
Escoger dominio (?)
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Please include country code and area code. e.g. 52 331 341 4060
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Password * (?)
Retype your password * (?)
* Aplican terminos del servicio.
We always respond every request punctually, if you dont get a response please check the spam and junk folder, or write/call 521 331 341 4060 (Whatsapp) or contact us again.
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SlySoftware, SlySoftware Puerta de Hierro Business Center , Colonia Puerta de Hierro , Zapopan Jalisco Mexico 45116.
International 52 33 3109 4414 . All Mexico 52 33 3109 4414 , WhatsApp 521 331 341 4060
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